About Us

The seed for Books, Brew, and Possibility was first planted as a book club between two colleagues. We met each other while working as staff developers for Growing Educators. As we got to talking, we realized we had many of the same books on our TBR list. To attack the pile of professional books we had sitting on our shelves, we decided to form a book club, or more of a partnership you could say. A friendship based on nerding out over professional books was sprouted.

We live in the same city, just 5 minutes away from each other, with a brewing company right between us. What better venue to meet, hang out, and talk about books? Plus, they have nachos!

We meet every two weeks and we spend our time discussing and processing the books we read. Sometimes, the talking confirms our beliefs, other times it evolves into how the reading challenges our pre-existing ideas. All this leads us to think about what is possible for teachers, students, and ourselves.

We are so excited to share this space with you all. To share the books we’ve read. To brew in the process. To dream with you the possibilities that are out there. To be a part of a community together.


Your partners in possibilities,

Michelle and Angela